Southern Momma to two handsome boys. Welcome to my crazy monogrammed life!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

One Step at a Time

I remember being assigned a huge project in school and feeling myself shutdown in my desk. However, after dissecting it, I was able to accomplish it in manageable chunks.  This mentality has not been limited to only my life as a student; it follows me today in all facets of my life.

I have a fitness goal.  I want to feel confident in my pre-baby (babies) clothes.  I don't really care about the number on the scale anymore; muscle weighs more than fat!  I crave to feel strong again; I want my athletic body back.  Here's my inspirational pic...I can't believe I'm sharing this with you!  This picture was taken when the hubby and I were consistently working out together and making healthy choices (minus the beer!).

I know what it takes; I've lived in my body for 31 years.  I know down to a T what I need to do to get there, but when I think about all of this at once, it's overwhelming.  Therefore, I'm using my dissecting technique.  If I can add one thing to my daily routine that will get me there, that's manageable.  If I can lengthen my route, if I can sprint a little longer in my interval training, if I can add weights after my cardio, if I can stretch before bed, if I can add Pilates, if I can drink more water, if I can start my day with a protein-packed meal, if I can consume a shake at lunch instead of a sandwich, then that's a step in the right direction.  These little changes over time will impact my lifestyle in a huge way.  Before I know it, I will be doing longer, more intense workouts, and my body will be craving healthy foods instead of high-sugar indulgences.  After all, I put on my baby weight over time, so taking it off will require time as well!

Here's a picture I snapped on my walk yesterday as I was preparing my plan of attack.

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P.S.  Danica, if you're reading this, I haven't forgotten about you!  :)

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