Sundays are my favorite day. They're a slower pace. They're a reminder of what's most important. This Sunday was no exception. We hustled (the only fast paced thing of the day) to get everyone ready to make the service at my brother-in-law's church in Campobello. It was a special day; in order for my sister to join their church, she had to be re-baptized. The symbolism of this ritual is so powerful. After giving a brief testimony in front of the church, she was immersed in the water. Of course, my momma hormones got the best of me. I became misty watching, but thank goodness for my naive little three year old sitting beside me. He gave me a play by play and made me chuckle. He said, "Aunt Lesie go under water. Her head wet." He was fascinated that she was "swimming" in church. I think he wants to join New Prospect, too!
After the service, we went back to the Shields' house for lunch. We feasted on fig chicken (I know it sounds interesting, but trust me, it's fabulous!), fried chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, green beans, salad, and biscuits. Y'all know I am such a sucker for homemade biscuits and butter! That's soul food at its best!
The Shields live on beautiful land in Campobello. After lunch, we took the little ones outside to burn off some energy and feed the donkeys. They have three donkeys: Pedro, Nellie, and Ellie.
There's something so backwards about the next picture...Ham's driving and Allie's pushing! Upon wearing the battery down, they found something new to keep them occupied. Picking up acorns and loading them into the back of the Jeep. Now, if only I had a nice big tree that deposited these onto the ground, I would be good to go for some easy entertainment at home. I can hear it now,"Hamilton, here's a nice big bucket that is begging to be filled with acorns. Get to work, Son!"
Look at our littlest Panther fan. That smile melts my heart every time! He's happy that he got his daddy with some nice spit up!
Jared even found a dog his own size to play! JJ is full of personality and a sweetie. Look at him pose for the camera!
And for the grand finale, the kiddos talked Grandpoppy into a ride around the yard in "Allie's car." They were hilarious! They thought it was their own personal parade with JJ as their escort!
Days filled with worship, family, friends, and fellowship...isn't this the way we should be living?